Thursday, September 29, 2022

FIONA - You Bitch

'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' 

We survived!  Easily!
We didn't really realize the potential of Fiona.  But Nancy expressed some fears so we high tailed it to Fredericton NB (along with a lot of other RV refugees).  And we were glad we did!  

Fredericton was more or less free of any major issues (Yes the wind blew hard and it rained a lot  - but nothing like the "Far East" coast).

We spent two days in Fredericton with our swimming buddy Nancy B. and two fellow travellers from of all Places - Victoria!

Our couple of days in Fredericton included the fantastic market and a good stroll around the town
 that included, Marysville where we stayed (who would have thought they had a cotton Mill - AND A BIG ONE -  in Fredericton?), the parliament buildings and the art Gallery - that had some very very good art including this fantastic John Singer Sargent that I had never seen before.

Parrsboro, NS

From FREDERICTON we moved on to Nova Scotia - to Parrsboro NS to visit friends, Laura and Carol.  

Unfortunately the weather sucked - rainy and cold.  We had a fantastic concert booked and the ladies were going to show us all around. 

 Very reluctantly we elected to move on to our next stage.


we overnighted in Digby NS, waiting for the ferry to take us to St. John NB.  

And what a wonderful sailing it was on a very nice ship.

St. Andrews By The Sea

Our next stop was a beauty of an RV campground at St. Andrews By The Sea.

We choose the Sea View and really enjoyed the little town before we venture into AMERICA!

The Next time you tune in -


Random Photo's 

Our Swim near Wolfville NS with Pam and her 90 year old Mom!

Breakfast dish at the Fredericton NB Market

The sea Port in St. John NB 

Two large Cruise Ships docked and the streets full of people

The End .... for today!

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