Thursday, September 22, 2022

Some people try to turn back their odometers. Not me; I want people to know why I look this way. I've traveled a long way, and some of the roads weren't paved. 

Will Rogers b1879 d1935

Both Nancy and I can say 
"We've travelled down some roads that were not paved"
on this somewhat weird and wonderful road trip we are on!

We HAVE travelled on some (real) unpaved roads!
And in the metaphorical sense - "we have definitely travelled down some unpaved roads".

For two "homebodies" to jump into an 80sq ft van (of living space) and travel across Canada and soon - I hope - the USA - is a BIG trip down an "unpaved road".

What have we learned?

We have become a little more tolerant of our individual foibles!

live in the moment!  And Stay in the Moment!
Small can be beautiful! We feel REALLY at home in our little "home".

Grocery and Beer shopping everyday is part of the travel ritual!

don't sweat the small things (we know it's trite but it's true).

A good yelling match is therapeutic!  

Hallway sex is simply not possible!

Meals from M&M Meats are great!

Where are we Right Now?

Sitting in a wonderful Campground in Moncton NB waiting out Hurricane Fiona whose trajectory on Friday the 23rd and Saturday the 24th is expected to pound PEI and parts of NS and NB.

The campground we are in is filling up with refugee  RV's, Campers and trailers who are fleeing the potential impacts Fiona. 
Tomorrow we will drive to Fredericton NB to visit a friend and distance ourselves from Fiona.  And then, after the storm, we will return to NS to finish our touring and then eventually head to the USA and home, if the impacts of Fiona are not to large!

Here is a view of our trip so far. 

Hurricane Fiona will set the agenda for us in the next few days.  
If The East coast of NS is hit hard, we will decide where  and what we will do next.  
Will keep you posted!

Brian and Fancy

1 comment:

  1. Hey Brian and Fancy - thinking of you guys and glad you’re safe. Hope your trip continues to be full of surprises (but maybe not environmental ones ;). We just bought a RoadTrek and are inspired by your adventures!


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