Tuesday, October 4, 2022


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.

Mark Twain

And honestly, there really is too much to do -isn't there!

After we left  St. Andrews by the Sea we stayed in -

Camden Hills State Park, Maine

Wells, Maine

Shodack Island State Park (South of Albany), NY

Coopers Rock State Park (near Morgantown), WV

Valley Vineyards (Harvest Hosts), Morrow, OH

and NOW

Red Hills State Park, Illinios

We've been on the move!

(above) Through New Hampshire and Vermount
The trees were changing colours
The drive was the most beautiful and interesting of all the USA parts we had covered to date
All secondary roads and highways and eventually
NY State and down the Hudson River Corridor visiting National Historic Sites

Random Photos

A day of sunshine and rest upstate Ohio


Vincinnes Ohio just before passing into Indianna

All of our travels in the past few days have been along a very small interstate - Highway 50

The Loneliest Highway

all the best
Nancy, Brian and Shirley

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