Sunday, October 16, 2022


There's a place that I know where they all know me

I gotta get back now to the ones who love me

Wrap myself around you, never let you go

There's nothing in the world that feels like

The place that I know where they all know me

I've gotta get back now to the ones who love me

Wrap myself around you, never let you go

There's nothin' in the world that feels like

Coming home, home, home, mmm

Coming home

Lyrics "Coming Home" Keith Urban

Jonathan Reuven Rotem / Julia Michaels / Merle Haggard / Nicolle Anne Galyon

"Like Frogs jumping from one Lily Pad to another"

That was the description one RV friend gave us was we moved from place to place

town to town 

a new 'home' every day.


We wanted to avoid all the really big cities and see small town America

Highway 50 was the road wet followed for most of trip across middle America

It was an awesome trip that took us through rural America

Towns big and small

Towns Poor and Towns Rich

Towns too small and to many to name or remember.

Herington; Great Bend; Dodger City; Holocomb; Poncha Springs; Montrose; Grand Junction; MOAB; Price

The Bigger ones

St. Louis MS; Kansas City Ms; Colorado Springs Co

IT took us on a scenic Road that was less travelled, less busy and fun to drive.

Our Full Trip across Canada and the USA

The Last part of our trip was cut short by a family emergency and we rushed home.

Some Random Photos

And sorry, by this time we were pretty well "photo'd" out so didn't take to many pictures except in MOAB

We wanted to see the seasonal changes -
the trees turn to red and gold.  
Unfortunately we were too early for that

Governors Mansion Jefferson City MS

The Cheat River Gorge WV

Legislative Buildings
Jefferson City MS

I Just put this in to show that
 I made Some great breakfasts 
and dinners 😋 

Into the Arches National Park in Utah

Great Beer and a fun crowd - 
busy busy!

Down Highway 128 an alternate and 
beautiful drive into MOAB

Wait for it - it's gonna fall 😳

The Last day we treated ourselves to the best 
Hotel In Ellensburg Wa.

The End 
Just the Beginning?

This was a trip that tested us in every way!
We were in a small space!
We didn't have or utilize access to a full bathroom!
we wanted to camp and be part of RV life so we could experience this travel style!
We were away for 2 months - which was maybe a bit over the top for a first travel adventure!
we had to plan meals differently - limited space and cooking facilities forced a different meal prep style!
Navigating, finding and deciding where to go next and how far and fast to travel!
Making beds up every night - tearing down every morning!

I won't tell you that we didn't have the occasional "discussion"
I won't tell you who won those 😵

I will tell you that we survived as a couple, had a fantastic time, and came out of this journey with a stronger bond.
we had fun!
We saw CANADA in a way that made us appreciate our country more!
We saw America in all it's beauty and diversity!
We never had any issues or felt uncomfortable!
We met some Really great people!

We will be travelling again - maybe not for as long a time or distance!
We will learn to - and will travel slower next time - to enjoy more of the journey and the sights along the way.
We will figure out a different meal planning and acquisition strategy.
We will bring half the clothing!
We will stay longer in really interesting places and get to know fellow travellers better.

Finally I must say how much we missed all of our buddies in Victoria - my swimming addicts - Nancy's golfing friends; family and everyone close to us.
Good to be back home!

Thanks for reading and taking an interest.  It was hard to do this blog because many times we didn't have internet and or the time.  But it was a joy to do what little I did!

Brian and Nancy

Tuesday, October 4, 2022


Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.

Mark Twain

And honestly, there really is too much to do -isn't there!

After we left  St. Andrews by the Sea we stayed in -

Camden Hills State Park, Maine

Wells, Maine

Shodack Island State Park (South of Albany), NY

Coopers Rock State Park (near Morgantown), WV

Valley Vineyards (Harvest Hosts), Morrow, OH

and NOW

Red Hills State Park, Illinios

We've been on the move!

(above) Through New Hampshire and Vermount
The trees were changing colours
The drive was the most beautiful and interesting of all the USA parts we had covered to date
All secondary roads and highways and eventually
NY State and down the Hudson River Corridor visiting National Historic Sites

Random Photos

A day of sunshine and rest upstate Ohio


Vincinnes Ohio just before passing into Indianna

All of our travels in the past few days have been along a very small interstate - Highway 50

The Loneliest Highway

all the best
Nancy, Brian and Shirley

Thursday, September 29, 2022

FIONA - You Bitch

'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' 

We survived!  Easily!
We didn't really realize the potential of Fiona.  But Nancy expressed some fears so we high tailed it to Fredericton NB (along with a lot of other RV refugees).  And we were glad we did!  

Fredericton was more or less free of any major issues (Yes the wind blew hard and it rained a lot  - but nothing like the "Far East" coast).

We spent two days in Fredericton with our swimming buddy Nancy B. and two fellow travellers from of all Places - Victoria!

Our couple of days in Fredericton included the fantastic market and a good stroll around the town
 that included, Marysville where we stayed (who would have thought they had a cotton Mill - AND A BIG ONE -  in Fredericton?), the parliament buildings and the art Gallery - that had some very very good art including this fantastic John Singer Sargent that I had never seen before.

Parrsboro, NS

From FREDERICTON we moved on to Nova Scotia - to Parrsboro NS to visit friends, Laura and Carol.  

Unfortunately the weather sucked - rainy and cold.  We had a fantastic concert booked and the ladies were going to show us all around. 

 Very reluctantly we elected to move on to our next stage.


we overnighted in Digby NS, waiting for the ferry to take us to St. John NB.  

And what a wonderful sailing it was on a very nice ship.

St. Andrews By The Sea

Our next stop was a beauty of an RV campground at St. Andrews By The Sea.

We choose the Sea View and really enjoyed the little town before we venture into AMERICA!

The Next time you tune in -


Random Photo's 

Our Swim near Wolfville NS with Pam and her 90 year old Mom!

Breakfast dish at the Fredericton NB Market

The sea Port in St. John NB 

Two large Cruise Ships docked and the streets full of people

The End .... for today!