Monday, August 29, 2022

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood…. Robert Frost "The Road Not Taken"

Robert Frost was so right - we have seen so many roads we wished to take, and couldn't. We have looked back and thought - what did we miss?
While I can't say that we took all the roads "less travelled by", 
I can say that we took roads that led to fields of gold ands yellow, 
rivers and lakes green and turquoise 
and sky - big sky!

Signs soon become a blur.  Small towns a building caught by your eye - then - gone!

South of Winnipeg we stay in a mediocre RV campground that presented us with one of those great prairie sunsets.

We visit a friend at Black Sturgeon Lake and took a dip.

Along the way we reward ourselves with craft beers.

The Farmery Craft Beer from Neepawa still my Fav!  Oh Canada - what great beer you have!

In Kenora we stay at Anicinabe Park - A fantastic Provincial Campground!

The Next Day - Kakabaka Falls - just before we roll into Thunder Bay!

And the Next day - White Lake Provincial Park just a few miles past Thunder Bay!  A swim and - a craft beer!

Are you tired?
We have been moving along.
We are just starting to slow down - to truly understand we are retired and slow travel just makes sense!
We'll keep you posted on the next phases of slow travel!

Nancy and Brian

1 comment:

  1. Great overview of the trip east. Some beautiful places.


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